On June 1, 2021, certificates of successful completion of the training courses “European political integration: historical retrospect and modernity” (3 ECTS credits) were ceremoniously awarded to students of the 44-I group of the speciality Secondary Education (History) and “Introduction to European Political Integration” (3 ECTS credits ) to students of the 32-A group of the speciality Secondary education (Language and literature (English)) and 33-U group of the speciality Secondary education (Ukrainian language and literature) within the framework of the implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monet Modules project.
Course trainers: Olena Chumachenko, Andrii Hrytsenko, Volodymyr Zinchenko, Larisa Slinchenko. Acknowledgments were also presented to the graduates of the Department of History, Law and Teaching methods for significant achievements in scientific activity.